About our company




Community is very important to our company, and we try to contribute to it as much as possible.
In return, lots of people have supported us since we were founded in 1950.

We put our goal into our company's name "Oriental process",
"Orient" means to turn something in the right direction.
"Process" is a series of actions which are carried out in order to achive a particular result.
We always try to advance in the right direction.

Our company's mark is maple leaf. Maple leaves symbolize affection and love.
The shape of maple leaf looks like the palm of a hand.
We want to link many people's hands with love, and foster bonds among them, through our business,





  The outline of company

Name Oriental Process., Co Ltd
Foundation 1950
President Yoshinobu Sugano
Address Zip code 544-0031 1-1-36, Tsuruhashi, Ikuno-ku, Osaka-shi
Tel 06-6717-3565
Business Rent apartment, parking, and shop   Work on pictures(ART STUDIO 楓-fu-)

  The history of company

  • 1950   We founded Oriental Process. We deal with printing labels of brand.
  • 1956   We changed our company name to Oriental process Seihan ,.Co Ltd. Toshio Sugano was inaugurated as president of company.
  • 1969   We closed presswaok. And we started to rent apartments, parkings and shops.
  • 2003   We changed our company name to Oriental Process., Co Ltd. Yoshinobu Sugano was inaugurated as president of company.
  • 2006   Our company had the 50th anniversary of the founding.